
Welcome to our careers portal for International Secretariat staff that have been given priority access for redeployment opportunities.

“Redeployment” can be broadly defined as the process of a member of staff at risk of redundancy transferring to a role which may be different to their current post. Amnesty International has a legal obligation to look for Suitable Alternative Employment for staff “at risk” of redundancy and a duty to mitigate against redundancy wherever possible.

At the end of the consultation process and when their notice of redundancy is received (3 months), impacted staff members must seek suitable alternative employment. From the moment consultations end and notice of redundancy is given, affected individuals will be considered a redeployee. The organisation will make roles available to that individual with the aim of redeploying them into suitable alternative employment.

For full information on process and eligibility please refer to Redeployment guidelines: Selection for retention

If you have any questions please do talk to your contact at POD.

The initial redeployment window has closed and selection panels are continuing to review submitted redeployment forms for these vacancies. In the meantime, from W/C 30th September 2019, new redeployment opportunities will be advertised. Should you be interested in any of these opportunities please click on the 'apply to role' button on the positions below. All new positions will advertise here for 1 week in the first instance.

You will be asked to submit your name and personal details only. Your previously submitted redeployment form will be used as your application. If you wish to amend your redeployment form, please contact internationalrecruitmentteam@amnesty.org who will organise this for you.

To access the Redeployment Form, please sign in or register.

Please note: Programme & Directorates may not appear as in the new structures, we are working to have these amended as soon as possible.

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